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Cannot load images from KASlideShow pod

Im just starting out with Swift and IOS development so I think Im missing something obvious to make the pod below work

I am using the cocoa pod for KASlideShow : in my Swift Project. The cocoa pod enables me to build an easy slideshow

I seemed to have loaded the pod correctly since I can access the methods and instantiate objects in my target ViewController

However I can't get the actual images to load, and I seemed to have covered all the steps necessary to get it to start a slideshow

Here's the code from my target ViewController

class SShowViewController: UIViewController, KASlideShowDelegate {

override func viewDidLoad() {

    let ss = KASlideShow(frame: CGRectMake(0, 0, 320, 250))
    ss.delegate = self
    ss.delay = 3
    ss.transitionDuration = 1
    ss.transitionType = KASlideShowTransitionType.Slide
    ss.imagesContentMode = UIViewContentMode.ScaleAspectFill
    ss.addImagesFromResources(["cat.jpeg", "oldyoung.jpg"])
    print("Slidshow over?")
    // Do any additional setup after loading the view.

Any ideas??


  • Aha!

    I have it working now. I was just missing a addSubView call. So this one line brings up the slideshow
