How can I read two file at once, ignoring # lines, and sort them with their 2nd column values?
I was thinking of combination of .startswith(): and sorted(): command
file1 = [line for line in open("file1.txt",'r').readlines() if not line.startswith("#")]
file2 = [line for line in open("file2.txt",'r').readlines() if not line.startswith("#")]
sorted_file1 = sorted(file1, key=lambda line: int(line.split()[1]))
sorted_file2 = sorted(file2, key=lambda line: int(line.split()[1]))
do something fun using sorted files with for and if
My files are very simple. file 1 have values like
AAA 15125
BBB 69121
CCC 366161
and file 2 looks like
bkjnwg 11111
knksng 22155
bnkiop 13511
But I feel something strange about this code. How can I read, ignore #, and sort files more simply?
Edited per comment.
You can do:
files_to_do = [...] #put paths in here
for f in files_to_do:
lines = [line for line in open(f,'r').readlines() if not line.startswith("#")]
sorted_lines = sorted(lines, key=lambda line: int(line.split()[1]))