I have a part of code that contains the following functions:
void Keyboard(int key)
switch (key) {
case GLFW_KEY_A: m_controlState |= TDC_LEFT; break;
case GLFW_KEY_D: m_controlState |= TDC_RIGHT; break;
case GLFW_KEY_W: m_controlState |= TDC_UP; break;
case GLFW_KEY_S: m_controlState |= TDC_DOWN; break;
default: Test::Keyboard(key);
void KeyboardUp( int key)
switch (key) {
case GLFW_KEY_A: m_controlState &= ~TDC_LEFT; break;
case GLFW_KEY_D: m_controlState &= ~TDC_RIGHT; break;
case GLFW_KEY_W: m_controlState &= ~TDC_UP; break;
case GLFW_KEY_S: m_controlState &= ~TDC_DOWN; break;
default: Test::Keyboard(key);
I know what a switch case is but I don't understand what these parts do.
m_controlState |= TDC_LEFT
m_controlState &= ~TDC_LEFT
is an int. The GFLW_KEY
's also refer to an int value.
Could someone explain what these parts do? An example with input values and results would be nice.
Not equal to the linked question because I also ask about &=
Also I think it should be explained what these operators do and are used this way.
m_controlState serves as flags, which means it contains in binary form which of the keys are pressed. For example if the values of tds constants are chosed like this:
TDS_LEFT = 0x00001
TDS_RIGH = 0x01 << 2 = 0x00010
TDS_UP = 0x01 << 3 = 0x00100
TDS_DOWN = 0x01 << 4 = 0x01000
Then in single integer you can store information which options are set. To do that you just have to check if bit that corresponds on each setting is 1 or 0.
So to set TDS_LEFT option, you have to OR the current state with 0x00001( which is TDS_LEFT), so in code
m_controlState = m_controlState | TDS_LEFT
which is the same as
m_controlState |= TDS_LEFT.
To unset TDS_LEFT option you have to AND it with ~TDS_LEFT. So
m_controlState = m_controlState & ~TDS_LEFT
which is the same as:
m_controlState &= ~TDS_LEFT
You can also check: How to use enums as flags in C++?. Hope that makes it clearer.