Here is my code:
var playerInstance = jwplayer("mySingleVideoWrapper").setup({
image: getCurrentPosterSrc,
sources: [
file: 'file-360.mp4',
label: "360p"
file: 'file-480.mp4',
label: "480p"
file: 'file-720.mp4',
label: "720p HD"
file: 'file-1080.mp4',
label: "1080p HD"
width: "100%",
androidhls: 'true',
type: "hls",
aspectratio: "16:9",
autostart: true,
logo: {
hide: true
tracks: [{
file: "/assets/captions-en.vtt",
label: "EN",
kind: "captions",
"default": true
file: "/assets/captions-es.vtt",
label: "ES",
kind: "captions"
file: "/assets/captions-fr.vtt",
kind: "captions",
label: "FR"
file: "js/assets/captions-de.vtt",
label: "DE",
kind: "captions"
And also here is a screenshot where I highlighted what I need
So I need that 'Auto' button which will autodetect which is the best quality for current user. Now with my code I see all 4 sources/qualities but 'Auto' button can't see. How can I add it ?
Amazon Support have me this useful article link and I could do what I want.