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Remote debugging of C++ code

MS Visual Studio 2013; C++.

I have the installed MS VS 2005-2015 on my local machine. My other remote machine has the installed AutoCAD 2009-2016. I always (many years) use the remote debugging when I write my .net plugins for AutoCADs. It is very convenient and works fine. Therefore I want to use remote debugging for ARX plugins too.

I created a "Hello World" ARX project for AutoCAD 2009 through the MS VS 2013 with V80 [MSVS 2005] tools using (AutoCAD 2009 requires to compile C++ plugins [ARX] through Visual Studio 2005).

I compiled it and run in AutoCAD 2009 sucessfully.

But I can't launch the remote debugging. Attached files display my project settings and the message with a problem.

enter image description here

enter image description here

I don't understand which RDBG (2005 or 2013) I am to launch on the remote machine... I tried to use both, and also with\without the admin rights, but it didn't help me.

How can I get successfull remote debugging of ARX?


  • I found the reason of my problem. When I used the remote debugging for my .net applications, I didn't point the working directory and it worked fine. But for C++ projects I am to point it. If I set the working directory as C:\Program Files\Autodesk\AutoCAD 2009\ then the remote debugging works fine with C++ code too.