I need to be able to send out a UDP message and also receive one in order to discover SSDP devices on the network from the iPhone.
I know that I need to send the packet to the multicast address and my HTTP request needs to look something like this:
Man: ssdp:discover
Mx: 3
ST: "urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:InternetGatewayDevice:1"
From reading the docs it appears that I can do all this with CFNetwork and despite reading (and re-reading the docs) I am struggling to get started. Can anyone recommend and tutorials or code snippets to get me over the initial learning hump?
I've got the CFNetwork programming guide:
and Beej's Guide to Network programming Using Internet Sockets:
I am unable to use any of the 3rd party libraries and frameworks in this instance.
OK, finally done it. Found a class in the public domain (thanks Chris) called AsyncUdpSocket that lets you create a UDP socket which you can then turn on broadcasting and join the multicast address.
There is a nice sendData method, complete with adding to a run loop to prevent blocking.
Hope that helps.