Should be simple, but IBM doesn't make it easy...
How do I NOT use iNotes when accessing a mail file over HTTP.
I would like to access a custom view and form to my mail file, but I cannot seem to bypass iNotes. The server always gives me an iNotes page instead of my form.
If I use an old mail file template, it will work, but somewhere in the newer mail templates there is a 'switch' that says use iNotes.
Obviously I still want HTTP, just not iNotes on this one mail file -- I do not want to use an old email template. Where is the 'switch?'
Thanks in advance.
Thanks to Torsten for 2 options.
I may as well describe the solution in detail:
In Domino Designer, open the Icon in the Resources folder for the database.
Click on the Properties tab, select Document IDs, and copy down the Note ID -- in my case the value was 0000011E
Run the following agent in LotusScript:
Sub Initialize
Dim session As New NotesSession
Dim db As NotesDatabase
Dim iconDoc As NotesDocument
Set db = session.CurrentDatabase
'NoteID of icon document from icon properties
Set iconDoc = db.GetDocumentById("11E")
'Delete the field $FormsTemplateFile
Call iconDoc.RemoveItem("$FormsTemplateFile")
Call iconDoc.Save(True, True)
End Sub
This gets the icon design doc by NoteID from which you can modify any of the fields 'hiding' there. Removing $FormsTemplateFile disconnects the mail file from using iNotes. Cheers.