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Unassigned local variable/ alter XML Format

My program takes user input and uses it to create a query. The results of that query will then be put into an XML file with XElements based on their selections. I have a string staff which i set equal to the value of staffType.

Where staff is declared w/ snippet of query code:

        using (
            var conn = new SqlConnection("Server=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx;Database=KUDERDEV;User ID=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx;Password= xxxxxxxx;Trusted_Connection=False;Encrypt=True;Connection Timeout=30;")
            bool quit = false;
            string choice;
            string staff;
            SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand();

            while (!quit)
                Console.WriteLine("Sort by staffType: K12Staff, psStaff, WFStaff or none?");
                string staffType = Console.ReadLine();
                staff = staffType;
                if (staffType == "K12Staff")
                    Console.WriteLine("Sort by code, date, both, or none?");
                    choice = Console.ReadLine();
                    switch (choice)
                        case "code":
                            Console.WriteLine("Sort by code1 or code2?");
                            string codeCol = Console.ReadLine();
                            Console.WriteLine("Enter desired code");
                            string code = Console.ReadLine();
                            cmd = new SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM Staff WHERE (Staff." + @codeCol + "='" + @code + "') AND staffType ='" + @staffType + "' FOR XML PATH('staff'), ROOT('k12Staff')", conn);
                            quit = true;
                            staff = staffType;

When the query string is complete, I go into another using statement without closing the first one to write the XML file. Here I want to change the format of the XML (XElement) depending on which staffType was chosen.

Writing the XML file snippet:

        using (cmd)
            using (var reader = cmd.ExecuteXmlReader())
                var doc = XDocument.Load(reader);
                string path = @"Staff." + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + ".xml";
                using (var writer = new StreamWriter(path))
                    //if (staff == "k12Staff")
                    XNamespace ns = "";
                    var root = new XElement(ns + "k12Staff");

                    foreach (var d in doc.Descendants("staff"))
                        root.Add(new XElement(ns + "staff",
                                    new XElement(ns + "identity",
                                        new XElement(ns + "name",
                                            new XElement(ns + "firstName", first),
                                            new XElement(ns + "lastName", last)
                                    new XElement(ns + "employment",
                                        new XElement(ns + "positionTitle", position)
                                    new XElement(ns + "assignment",
                                        new XElement(ns + "leaID", leaID),
                                        new XElement(ns + "schoolID", schoolID)
                                    new XElement(ns + "contact",
                                        new XElement(ns + "phoneNumberList",
                                            new XElement(ns + "number", phone),
                                            new XElement(ns + "phoneNumberIndicator", indicator)
                                        new XElement(ns + "emailList",
                                            new XElement(ns + "email", email)
                                    new XElement(ns + "delete", delete)

Then if the staffType was something different such as "psStaff" then I would change the format of the XML (XElement) to have different names, positions, etc.

So it would be like:

 if(staff == "k12Staff"){
         format xml here...
 else if (staff == "psStaff"){
         format xml here....

etc etc..

My Problem:

In the previous example, my code has if(staff == "k12Staff") but I am told that it is an assigned local variable. I have tried declaring staff outside of the using statements as well as trying to use staff in a using statement like so using(staff) which is how I used my cmd variable. How come my program recognizes cmd but not staff?


  • You did not post the entire code, so it is not possble to say, where your variable staff should get a value and why it doesn't.

    Not assigned means: existing but never got a value...

    Try the following: At the place, where you declare your variable change this:

        string staff="defaultValue";

    On the place where you handle the variable's content change this:

     if(staff == "k12Staff"){
             format xml here...
     else if (staff == "psStaff"){
             format xml here....
     else if (staff == "defaultValue"){
          //What ever is to be done if all attempts to set "staff" did not work
          //You must set a stop mark before your `while (!quit)` and step through.
          //There is at least one situation, where `staff` is not set to any value...
          //If there's a bug you must fix this, if this is allowed to happen, solve it here...