My program takes user input and uses it to create a query. The results of that query will then be put into an XML file with XElements based on their selections. I have a string staff
which i set equal to the value of staffType.
Where staff is declared w/ snippet of query code:
using (
var conn = new SqlConnection("Server=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx;Database=KUDERDEV;User ID=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx;Password= xxxxxxxx;Trusted_Connection=False;Encrypt=True;Connection Timeout=30;")
bool quit = false;
string choice;
string staff;
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand();
while (!quit)
Console.WriteLine("Sort by staffType: K12Staff, psStaff, WFStaff or none?");
string staffType = Console.ReadLine();
staff = staffType;
if (staffType == "K12Staff")
Console.WriteLine("Sort by code, date, both, or none?");
choice = Console.ReadLine();
switch (choice)
case "code":
Console.WriteLine("Sort by code1 or code2?");
string codeCol = Console.ReadLine();
Console.WriteLine("Enter desired code");
string code = Console.ReadLine();
cmd = new SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM Staff WHERE (Staff." + @codeCol + "='" + @code + "') AND staffType ='" + @staffType + "' FOR XML PATH('staff'), ROOT('k12Staff')", conn);
quit = true;
staff = staffType;
When the query string is complete, I go into another using statement without closing the first one to write the XML file. Here I want to change the format of the XML (XElement) depending on which staffType was chosen.
Writing the XML file snippet:
using (cmd)
using (var reader = cmd.ExecuteXmlReader())
var doc = XDocument.Load(reader);
string path = @"Staff." + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + ".xml";
using (var writer = new StreamWriter(path))
//if (staff == "k12Staff")
XNamespace ns = "";
var root = new XElement(ns + "k12Staff");
foreach (var d in doc.Descendants("staff"))
root.Add(new XElement(ns + "staff",
new XElement(ns + "identity",
new XElement(ns + "name",
new XElement(ns + "firstName", first),
new XElement(ns + "lastName", last)
new XElement(ns + "employment",
new XElement(ns + "positionTitle", position)
new XElement(ns + "assignment",
new XElement(ns + "leaID", leaID),
new XElement(ns + "schoolID", schoolID)
new XElement(ns + "contact",
new XElement(ns + "phoneNumberList",
new XElement(ns + "number", phone),
new XElement(ns + "phoneNumberIndicator", indicator)
new XElement(ns + "emailList",
new XElement(ns + "email", email)
new XElement(ns + "delete", delete)
Then if the staffType was something different such as "psStaff" then I would change the format of the XML (XElement) to have different names, positions, etc.
So it would be like:
if(staff == "k12Staff"){
format xml here...
else if (staff == "psStaff"){
format xml here....
etc etc..
My Problem:
In the previous example, my code has if(staff == "k12Staff")
but I am told that it is an assigned local variable. I have tried declaring staff outside of the using statements as well as trying to use staff
in a using statement like so using(staff)
which is how I used my cmd
variable. How come my program recognizes cmd
but not staff
You did not post the entire code, so it is not possble to say, where your variable staff
should get a value and why it doesn't.
Not assigned means: existing but never got a value...
Try the following: At the place, where you declare your variable change this:
string staff="defaultValue";
On the place where you handle the variable's content change this:
if(staff == "k12Staff"){
format xml here...
else if (staff == "psStaff"){
format xml here....
else if (staff == "defaultValue"){
//What ever is to be done if all attempts to set "staff" did not work
//You must set a stop mark before your `while (!quit)` and step through.
//There is at least one situation, where `staff` is not set to any value...
//If there's a bug you must fix this, if this is allowed to happen, solve it here...