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JsViews: in-line template syntax for direct linked form element

I saw an example of linking directly to a form element using JsViews, which I found to be preferable to encapsulating the whole form in a template. Here is a jsfiddle example of what I'm trying to do, which partially works:

var app = {
    selections: {
        things: [
            { Name: "thingName1", Value: "thingValue1" },
            { Name: "thingName2", Value: "thingValue2" },
            { Name: "thingName3", Value: "thingValue3" }
    formData: {
        selectedThing: "thingValue1",

//how do I reference this template in-line, outside of another wrapping template?
    theTmpl: "#theTmpl"

$("#content").link(true, app);
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>

<script id="theTmpl" type="text/x-jsrender">
    <select id="thingChoice" data-link="formData.selectedThing">
        <option value="-">Please select</option>
        {^{for selections.things}}
        <option data-link="value{:Value} {:Name} selected{:~selected === Value}"></option>

<div id="content">
    <!--this part works-->
    <input data-link="formData.selectedThing trigger=true"/>
    <!--this part does not display-->
    <span {{for data tmpl="theTmpl"/}}></span>

The data-linked INPUT tag is correctly bound to the object, but I cannot find a working example of how to reference a compiled template in-line without encapsulating the entire form in another template. That it's possible to use data-link syntax outside of a template gives hope that it may be possible with correct syntax.

Is this possible?


  • Yes it is possible - it is what I call top-level data-linking. There will be new documentation topics on this coming very soon, but meantime you have this sample:

    And your jsfiddle - which I updated to make it work fully:

    <div id="content">
        <input data-link="formData.selectedThing trigger=true"/>
        <span data-link='{for tmpl="theTmpl"}'></span>