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Passing variables into Watson Dialog

In many situations, it may be helpful to pass known information (e.g. the user's name to present a personalized greeting) into a new Watson Dialog conversation so to avoid asking the user redundant or unnecessary questions. In looking at the API documentation, I don't see a way to do that. Is there a best practice method for passing variables into a Watson Dialog conversation?


  • In the Dialog service a variable is part of a profile that you create to store information that users provide during conversations.

    The following code shows an example of a profile variable that saves the user's name.

        <var_folder name="username">
            <var name="username" type="TEXT" description="The user's name."></var>

    In your scenario you will set this variable by calling:

    PUT /v1/dialogs/{dialog_id}/profile


      "client_id": 4435,
      "name_values": [
          "name": "username",
          "value": "Bruce Wayne"

    Don't forget to replace {dialog_id} and {client_id}.

    We have an API Explorer that let you try-out the APIs: Dialog API Explorer.
    You can also read more about this in this tutorial.