I'm trying to use angular-translate with angular-translate-loader-static-files.
When I do this:
prefix: 'strings',
suffix: '.json'
I'd expect the fallback to use 'strings-de_DE.json' if 'strings-en_GB.json' is not present. Except it isn't.
If I declare the translations in the file, like this:
$translateProvider.translations('en_GB', {
"recipients": {
"email-label": "Enter an email address",
"input-placeholder": "Insert one address and press enter",
"action-title": "Your selected criteria:"
}).translations('de_DE', {
"recipients": {
"email-label": "Geben Sie eine E-Mail-Adresse",
"input-placeholder": "Legen Sie eine Adresse eingeben, und drücken Sie",
"action-title": "Ihre ausgewählten Kriterien:"
it works. I've seen a few examples online, but none of them gives me a clear idea of what I need to do in order to make this work.
Am I missing something? Any additional step I need to do when using static files? Or fallback is simply not supported for static files at the moment?
Why don't you report the issue here: https://github.com/angular-translate/angular-translate/issues
When a library does not work, there's probably a bug in it. Reporting the issue in their bug tracker is the best way to get the issue fixed not only for you but for everybody else.