What is the most efficient way of filtering an array of objects based on one of their properties, using an array of values? I could iterate through the items, but I can't help thinking there's a really efficient way using Array.filter and Array.contains - I'm just not proficient enough with Swift to be able to put the pieces together.
For example, if I have an array containing Book objects, each of which has a String author property, how would I filter it to show only books by John Smith, Arthur Price or David Jones?
Something along the lines of:
Class Book {
var author : String = String()
var books : Array = [Book]()
//books added elsewhere
let authors = ["John Smith", "Arthur Price", "David Jones"]
let filteredBooks = books.filter({authors.contains({($0 as Book).author})})
I'd recommend you make an index of books by author:
let book = Book(author: "Arsen")
let bookIndex = [book.author: [book]]
And now you have incredible fast access to your book filtered by author:
bookIndex["Arsen"] // => [Books]
For multiple authors:
var results = [Book]()
for author in authors {
if let books = bookIndex[author] {
results += books