$cat1=array( "_id"=>new MongoId("562918fc2bad8c345d000029"),"name"=>"Category Two");
$cat2=array("_id"=>new MongoId("562918e62bad8c445d000029"),
"name"=>"Category One");
but it returns as follow
array("_id"=>new MongoId("562918e62bad8c445d000029"),
"name"=>"Category One")
I tried array_unique too
But result was same as above
I know its not merging both array because both have same array keys.
Instead its merging second into a first array, But how can I merge both arrays so it will look like following.
array(array( "_id"=>new MongoId("562918fc2bad8c345d000029"),"name"=>"Category Two"),array("_id"=>new MongoId("562918e62bad8c445d000029"),
"name"=>"Category One"));
Have a look at live code http://viper-7.com/Oaa4zL
If you don't know how many categories will be there, then you can simply push them to the array.
$allCat = array();
$allCat[] = $cat1;
$allCat[] = $cat2;
$allCat[] = $catN;