The configuration:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<scr:component xmlns:scr="" enabled="true" immediate="true" name="printing">
<implementation class="printing.PrinterManager"/>
<provide interface="service.printing.IPrinterManager"/>
The class:
public class PrinterManager implements IPrinterManager {
public void activate(BundleContext ctx) {
public void deactivate(BundleContext ctx) {
When I inject an object of that class somewhere else in my code like this:
IPrinterManager pm;
Do I always get the same instance of that class or not? How to make that instance a singleton with the help of osgi/equinox facilities if it's not a singleton already? (I know how to write a singleton the java/vanilla way, that's not my question)
Yes a DS component is a singleton by default. See Multiple Component Instances with OSGi Declarative Services