I am creating a UIActivityViewController
and pass String
and URL
to it. This, obviously, configures the UIActivityViewController
to use some items which I want to exclude (my objective is to share the info about my app).
I have managed to exclude lots of system provided activities (like 'Add to Reading list') by setting the appropriate excludedActivityTypes
However, I am unable to exclude Reminders and Notes apps. Can someone suggest a way of doing it? These apps appear 3rd and 4th on the list and therefore make Twitter and Facebook not visible unless user scrolls.
There is a way, but involves private API.
Sometimes Apple makes exceptions, especially if you fix a bug.
Let's dive into details...
UIActivityViewController has got a private method called "_availableActivitiesForItems:", which returns an array of UISocialActivity objects.
UISocialActivity has got an interesting property, called "activityType", which returns a domain-formatted activity type.
After some tests, I managed to discover the Reminder and Notes activity types:
Unfortunately, passing those two types into ".excludedActivityTypes" didn't make any difference.
"_availableActivitiesForItems:" to the rescue!
Update: I've found a better way to do it.
The first solution I've posted doesn't work in some cases, thus shouldn't be considered stable.
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
@interface UISocialActivity : NSObject
- (id)activityType;
@interface UIActivityViewController (Private)
- (id)_availableActivitiesForItems:(id)arg1;
@interface ActivityViewController : UIActivityViewController
@implementation ActivityViewController
- (id)_availableActivitiesForItems:(id)arg1
id activities = [super _availableActivitiesForItems:arg1];
NSMutableArray *filteredActivities = [NSMutableArray array];
[activities enumerateObjectsUsingBlock:^(UISocialActivity* _Nonnull obj, NSUInteger idx, BOOL * _Nonnull stop) {
if (![[obj activityType] isEqualToString:@"com.apple.reminders.RemindersEditorExtension"] &&
![[obj activityType] isEqualToString:@"com.apple.mobilenotes.SharingExtension"]) {
[filteredActivities addObject:obj];
return [NSArray arrayWithArray:filteredActivities];
@interface UIActivityViewController (Private)
- (BOOL)_shouldExcludeActivityType:(UIActivity*)activity;
@interface ActivityViewController : UIActivityViewController
@implementation ActivityViewController
- (BOOL)_shouldExcludeActivityType:(UIActivity *)activity
if ([[activity activityType] isEqualToString:@"com.apple.reminders.RemindersEditorExtension"] ||
[[activity activityType] isEqualToString:@"com.apple.mobilenotes.SharingExtension"]) {
return YES;
return [super _shouldExcludeActivityType:activity];
"Illegal", but it works.
It would be great to know if it actually passes Apple validation.