PG::InsufficientPrivilege at / ERROR: permission denied for relation schema_migrations
Worked fine finally
logged as superuser
ALTER TABLE schema_migrations OWNER TO menuquizz
logged as menuquizz
menuquizz_development=# \d
List of relations
Schema | Name | Type | Owner
public | .schema_migrations | table | denis
public | menus | table | menuquizz
public | menus_id_seq | sequence | menuquizz
public | schema_migrations | table | menuquizz
(4 rows)
menuquizz_development=# \q
:~/Projects/menuquizz$ rake db:fixtures:load FIXTURES=menus
:~/Projects/menuquizz$ psql -U menuquizz menuquizz_development
Password for user menuquizz:
psql (9.3.10)
Type "help" for help.
menuquizz_development=> select count(*) from menus;
(1 row)