I'm trying to implement MobFox ad network into my Swift app. The framework is built in ObjC which I'm not familiar with.
I have added my bridging header.
Im getting 2 errors which I cannot figure out. This is the code that is producing the errors:
class ViewController: UIViewController, MobFoxNativeAdDelegate {
func nativeAdFailedToLoadWithError(error: NSError!) {
func nativeAdWasClicked() {
func nativeAdWasShown() {
func publisherIdForMobFoxNativeAdController(controller: MobFoxNativeAdController!) -> String! {
func nativeAdDidLoad(ad: MobFoxNativeAd!) {
These are the issues:
class ViewController: UIViewController, MobFoxNativeAdDelegate {
The above code causes an error: Type 'ViewController' cannot conform to protocol 'MobFoxNativeAdDelegate' because it has requirements that cannot be satisfied
I'm sure there are no other methods that I need to implement - unless Im mistaken.
The other issue is:
func nativeAdDidLoad(ad: MobFoxNativeAd!) {
On this line I get the following error: Use of undeclared type 'MobFoxNativeAd'
The strange thing is XCode doesn't suggest this method when typing, so it seems to be invalid. For example if I type native, xcode suggests nativeAdFailedToLoadWithError, nativeAdWasClicked and nativeAdWasShown - but it does not suggest nativeAdDidLoad.
However, it is a required method.
Looking at the ObjC framework this is what it contains:
@class MobFoxNativeAdController;
@class MobFoxNativeAd;
@protocol MobFoxNativeAdDelegate <NSObject>
- (NSString *)publisherIdForMobFoxNativeAdController:(MobFoxNativeAdController *)controller;
- (void) nativeAdDidLoad:(MobFoxNativeAd *)ad;
- (void) nativeAdFailedToLoadWithError:(NSError *)error;
- (void) nativeAdWasShown;
- (void) nativeAdWasClicked;
- (UIViewController*) viewControllerForNativeAds;
@interface MobFoxNativeAdController : NSObject
@property (strong, nonatomic) NSString *requestURL;
@property (nonatomic, assign) IBOutlet __unsafe_unretained id <MobFoxNativeAdDelegate> delegate;
@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL locationAwareAdverts;
@property (nonatomic, assign) NSInteger userAge;
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSString* userGender;
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSArray* keywords;
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSArray* adTypes;
- (void)setLocationWithLatitude:(CGFloat)latitude longitude:(CGFloat)longitude;
- (UIView*)getNativeAdViewForResponse:(MobFoxNativeAd*)response xibName:(NSString*)name;
- (void)requestAd;
I have figured it out. It was caused by a bug in the framework. The file MobFox.h needed to import MobFoxNativeAd.h