I am having problem to find documentation how could I solve that case.
I am capable of launching small/medium/large tests with:
./gradlew spoonSmall
./gradlew spoonMedium
./gradlew spoonLarge
Or launching specific tests with usage of this setup:
spoon {
if (project.hasProperty('spoonClassName')) {
className = project.spoonClassName
if (project.hasProperty('spoonMethodName')) {
methodName = project.spoonMethodName
I can launch specific file:
./gradlew spoon -PspoonClassName=com.package.tests.MyTest;
What I am interested in is a possibility to launch all tests located in:
./gradlew spoon -PspoonClassName=com.package.tests
package. Either method is fine. Some parameter to bash console or maybe way to create my own annotation and launch by something like ./gradlew spoonMyTests.
I am grateful for suggestions/help.
From the official docs:
There are numerous ways to run a specific test, or set of tests. You can use the Spoon --size, --class-name or --method-name options, or you can use the --e option to pass arguments to the instrumentation runner, e.g.
--e package=com.mypackage.unit_tests
The following command should work when executing Spoon directly from command line (not from the gradle task)
java -jar spoon-runner-1.1.9-jar-with-dependencies.jar \
--apk ExampleApp-debug.apk \
--test-apk ExampleApp-debug-androidTest-unaligned.apk \
--e package=com.package.tests
You need to find a way to pass this extra param to the Spoon gradle plugin.
From the official doc of Spoon Gradle plugin:
Custom instrumentation arguments
Use the instrumentationArgs property on spoon extension to pass custom parameters to your tests:
spoon { instrumentationArgs = ["foo=bar", "name=value"] }
In your case, this should look like the following:
spoon {
instrumentationArgs = ["package=com.package.tests"]