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Access the scope of the ng-transclude tag in the markup

I want to access the scope of a transcluded element the VERY first time it is inserted in the tag in a directive with isolated scope. I have access to the clones of the transcluded element using the transclude function, but not for the very first time the element is inserted.

I have the following HTML

<my-directive the-name="'John Doe'">
   <my-div name="myDivName"></my-div>

I have two directives. I want to transclude the contents of my-directive and be able to access a variable called "myDivName" from the scope created for the transcluded element. That variable gets its contents from the variable "theName" in the isolated scope of the "my-directive" directive.

This is my Javascript code:

var app = angular.module('test', []);
    app.directive('myDirective', function(){
      return {
        restrict: 'E',
        template: '',
        transclude: true,
          theName: '='
        template: '<div>Hello I am My Directive and this content goes BEFORE the transclude<br><ng-transclude></ng-transclude><p>This element goes after the transclude</p></div>',
        link: function(scope, element, attrs, ctrl, transclude){
          transclude(function (clone, transcludeScope) {
          transcludeScope.myDivName = scope.theName;
          element.append(clone);//This line shouldn't be here. I just put it to illustrate that this clone has the right value in the output.
    app.directive('myDiv', function(){
      return {
        restrict: 'E',
        scope: {
          name: '='
        template: '<div>{{name}}</div>'

As you can see I use the transclude parameter of the link function in "my-directive" directive to set the right value for the variable "myDivName" in the transcluded scope. However that code only executes AFTER Javascript has replaced the contents in the tag in "my-directive" and allows me to append as man clones of the transcluded contents as I want (I have access to their scopes so there's no problem).

HTML of the Output

<body ng-app="test" class="ng-scope">
<my-directive the-name="'John Doe'" class="ng-isolate-scope">
  <div>Hello I am My Directive and this content goes BEFORE the transclude<br>
    <!-- This is the very first time the transcluded element is inserted. 
    I want access to its scope just like I have access to the clone's scope in the transclude function. -->
    <my-div name="myDivName" class="ng-scope ng-isolate-scope">
      <div class="ng-binding">

  <p>This element goes after the transclude</p></div>
  <!-- This is a clone which scope was correctly modified to set the variable -->
  <my-div name="myDivName" class="ng-scope ng-isolate-scope">
    <div class="ng-binding">John Doe</div></my-div>

The problem is the contents inserted the very first time in the tag in "my-directive". How do I access the scope of that very first transcluded clone?

There's an "easy way" of doing it, and it is to expose the variable of the isolated scope of "my-directive" like this post suggests ngModel needs $parent when within Transcluded html , but I don't want to crowd the parent scope of "my-directive" with such variables.


  • I suggest not using ngTransclude in your template. ngTransclude is linked to pre-isolate scope (transclusion scope), and you're right - you don't have access to it.

    Instead, use the transclude function, and insert the clone yourself:

    template: '<div>Hello I am My Directive and this content goes BEFORE the transclude<br><insert-here></insert-here><p>This element goes after the transclude</p></div>',
    link: function(scope, element, attrs, ctrl, transclude){
      transclude(function (clone, transcludeScope) {
      transcludeScope.myDivName = scope.theName;
      var e = element.find('insert-here');

    If You Really Want ngTransclude

    Or if you really want ngTransclude in your template, then the following should work:

    template: '<div>Hello I am My Directive and this content goes BEFORE the transclude<br><ng-transclude></ng-transclude><p>This element goes after the transclude</p></div>',
    link: function(scope, element, attrs, ctrl, transclude){
      var e = element.find('ng-transclude');
      transcludeScope = e.scope();
      transcludeScope.myDivName = scope.theName;

    This solution is using jqLite to find ngTransclude, and then calls the scope() method to get the transclusion scope.