I have accepted an answer below and also added my own with my final revision of the code. Hopefully it shows people actual examples of Shadow Space allocation rather than more words.
EDIT 2: I also managed to find a link to a calling conventions PDF in the Annotations of a YouTube video (of all things) which has some interesting tidbits on Shadow Space and the Red Zone on Linux. It can be found here: http://www.agner.org/optimize/calling_conventions.pdf
I have looked at a couple of other questions here and all over the internet but I can't seem to find a proper example of allocating "Shadow Space" when calling a subroutine/Windows API in 64 bit Windows assembly.
My understanding is this:
sub rsp,<bytes here>
prior to call callee
add rsp,<bytes here>
With that in mind, this is what I have tried:
section .text
sub rsp,0x20 ; <---- Allocate 32 bytes of "Shadow space"
mov rcx,msg1
mov rdx,msg1.len
call write
add rsp,0x20
mov rcx,NULL
call ExitProcess
mov [rsp+0x08],rcx ; <-- use the Shadow space
mov [rsp+0x10],rdx ; <-- and again
mov rcx,STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE ; Get handle to StdOut
call GetStdHandle
mov rcx,rax ; hConsoleOutput
mov rdx,[rsp+0x08] ; lpBuffer
mov r8,[rsp+0x10] ; nNumberOfCharsToWrite
mov r9,empty ; lpNumberOfCharsWritten
push NULL ; lpReserved
call WriteConsoleA
My two strings are "Hello " and "World!\n". This manages to print "Hello " before crashing. I have a suspicion that I am doing it correctly ... except I should be cleaning up somehow (and I'm not sure how).
What am I doing wrong? I have tried a combination of sizes and also tried "allocating Shadow Space" prior to the WinAPI calls too (am I supposed to be doing that?).
It should be noted that this works perfectly fine when I don't care about Shadow Space at all. However, I am trying to be compliant with the ABI since my write
function calls WinAPIs (and is therefore, not a leaf function).
The shadow space must be provided directly previous to the call. Imagine the shadow space as a relic from the old stdcall/cdecl convention: For WriteFile
you needed five pushes. The shadow space stands for the last four pushes (the first four arguments). Now you need four registers, the shadow space (just the space, contents don't matter) and one value on the stack after the shadow space (which is in fact the first push). Currently the return address to the caller (start
) is in the space that WriteFile
will use as shadow space -> crash.
Functions with fewer than 4 args still get 32 bytes of shadow space for their own use.
You can create a new shadow space for the WinAPI functions (GetStdHandle
and WriteConsoleA
) inside the function write
push rbp
mov rbp, rsp
sub rsp, (16 + 32) ; 5th argument of WriteConsoleA (8) + Shadow space (32)
; plus another 8 to make it a multiple of 16 (to keep stack aligned after one push aligned it after function entry)
mov [rbp+16],rcx ; <-- use our Shadow space, provided by `start`
mov [rbp+24],rdx ; <-- and again, to save our incoming args
mov rcx, -11 ; Get handle to StdOut
call GetStdHandle
mov rcx,rax ; hConsoleOutput
mov rdx, [rbp+16] ; lpBuffer ; reloaded saved copy of register arg
mov r8, [rbp+24] ; nNumberOfCharsToWrite
mov r9,empty ; lpNumberOfCharsWritten
mov qword [rsp+32],0 ; lpReserved - 5th argument directly behind the shadow space
call WriteConsoleA