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How to externalize properties file for web application(war)?

I have developed a webapplication which is having jsp and java code. Right now I have placed all the key-value into a env/lifecycle specific properties file (like,,

I want to externalize these properties file so that it can be placed outside of war(without effecting the war). right now war file is tightly coupled with properties file. if i have to modify any thing i have to build and make war and deploy.

I have very limited access on deployment server machine (only have access for one folder where i can put my configuration files) & deployment process is handled by CI(jenkin & automated script).

I explored on internet and came to know that we can achieve this using spring, would like to know what is the best way to achieve this?


  • As you are using Spring I suppose you already use PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer. If not you should ;)

    The location of a property file can be anything that can be resolved as spring Resource. This includes classpath, servletcontext and also file references as URIs (file:///... For absolute paths)

    <bean id="propertyConfigurer" class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer">
        <property name="location" value="${config.file.location}" />