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Parse an ini-formatted string to generate an associative array

I have a string like below.

$str = "ENGINE=InnoDB 
        DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 
        COMMENT='Table comment'";

And I need to parse the key/value pairs from the string and combine them with the key/value pairs in the array below...

$arr = array(
    "ENGINE" => "InnoDB",
    "DEFAULT CHARSET" => "utf8",
    "COLLATE" => "utf8_unicode_ci",
    "COMMENT" => "'Table comment'"

Here the sequence of the parts of the string can be different.


$str = "ENGINE=InnoDB
        COMMENT='Table comment'
        DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8";


  • You should use preg_match_all() and have PHP build your output from there in the format you'd like. Here's a working example in PHP. And the regex statement.

        $str = "ENGINE=InnoDB COMMENT='Table comment' COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8";
        preg_match_all("/([\w ]+)=(\w+|'(?:[^'\\\]|\\.)+')\s*/",$str,$matches,PREG_SET_ORDER);
        $out = [];
        foreach($matches as $match) {
            $out[$match[1]] = $match[2];

    And the result:

    array(4) {
      string(6) "InnoDB"
      string(15) "'Table comment'"
      string(15) "utf8_unicode_ci"
      string(4) "utf8"

    Explanation of regex

    ([\w ]+) // match one or more word characters (alpha+underscore+space)
    = // match equals sign
          \w+ // match any word character
       | // or
          ' // match one exact quote character
          (?:[^'\\]|\\.)+ // match any character including escaped quotes
          ' // match one exact quote character
    \s* // match any amount of whitespace until next match