Search code examples

Searching other fields in the internal backoffice search box - v7.1.0

My aim is to add additional fields to the searching parameters for the internal search - I have amended ExamineIndex.config to index the new property:

<IndexSet SetName="InternalIndexSet" IndexPath="~/App_Data/TEMP/ExamineIndexes/Internal/">
        <add Name="briefing"/>

However, after rebuilding the internal index, it seems as though the internal search is only using the node name.

Is it possible to search multiple properties with the internal search?


  • You are quite right - the Content and Media searches only take into account the Node Name, along with a path restriction if the current user has a starting node specified.

    Member search also includes the following additional fields:

    • email
    • loginName

    As a reference, see the implementation here:

    If you want to implement a custom search, you'd have to create a plugin or dashboard that would allow you to implement the search features you want.

    For some ideas, checkout the MemberListView project (which uses custom examine searching to populate the list):