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Rake Not Creating Tables


rake db:migrate is not creating tables in my MySQL database. (Yes, I have read all similar posts, and implemented their suggestions, please continue reading.)



default: &default
  adapter: mysql2
  encoding: utf8
  pool: 5
  username: root
  host: localhost
  port: /tmp/mysql.sock

  <<: *default
  database: asreport

Line from gemfile (yes, I already gem install'd it too):

gem 'mysql2', '~> 0.3.20'

/appfile/db/migrate/create_users.rb (I've also tried making the second line 'def up'):

class CreateUsers < ActiveRecord::Migration
  def up
    create_table :users do |t|
      t.string :username
      t.string :password
      t.integer :usertype
      t.string :salt

After I run rake db:drop, rake db:create to refresh, rake db:migrate --trace reads (after this output, 'show tables' in mysql still only shows schema_migrations):

** Invoke db:migrate (first_time)
** Invoke environment (first_time)
** Execute environment
** Invoke db:load_config (first_time)
** Execute db:load_config
** Execute db:migrate
** Invoke db:_dump (first_time)
** Execute db:_dump
** Invoke db:schema:dump (first_time)
** Invoke environment 
** Invoke db:load_config 
** Execute db:schema:dump

What I've Tried

First of all, I know that I am connecting to MySQL via Ruby, as db:drop create does indeed create the database itself, just not the table.

I've read all the relevant stack overflow posts I could find on the issue. I've tried rollback, dropping my database directly on SQL, and db:drop/create.

I've tried deleting and recreating my migration script too.

I've run db:migrate multiple times (by itself and after db:drop/create's, rollback's, resets), but the schema_migrations always has 0 entries and my schema.rb file is on version: 0.


  • You're not following the naming conventions outlined in the Rails Guides.

    Specifically, this:

    2.1 Creating a Standalone Migration Migrations are stored as files in the db/migrate directory, one for each migration class. The name of the file is of the form YYYYMMDDHHMMSS_create_products.rb, that is to say a UTC timestamp identifying the migration followed by an underscore followed by the name of the migration. The name of the migration class (CamelCased version) should match the latter part of the file name. For example 20080906120000_create_products.rb should define class CreateProducts and 20080906120001_add_details_to_products.rb should define AddDetailsToProducts. Rails uses this timestamp to determine which migration should be run and in what order, so if you're copying a migration from another application or generate a file yourself, be aware of its position in the order.

    Go ahead and try a dummy migration to see the file name convention.

    $ bin/rails generate migration AddPartNumberToProducts part_number:string