I am trying to dynamically create images that will zoom in when you mouse over them. I found this blog post http://tozon.info/blog/post/2007/10/14/Three-ways-to-make-your-WPF-images-pop-out-on-MouseOver.aspx that shows how to do this using Storyboards.
It looks pretty straight forward, and I've added the StoryBoard xaml to App.xaml
Now I need to work out how to add them to the images that I build in C#
The xaml that has to be created looks like this
<Image Source="[Bitmap]" >
<EventTrigger RoutedEvent="Image.MouseEnter" >
<BeginStoryboard Storyboard="{StaticResource ExpandStoryboard}" />
<EventTrigger RoutedEvent="Image.MouseLeave" >
<BeginStoryboard Storyboard="{StaticResource ShrinkStoryboard}" />
<ScaleTransform ScaleX="1" ScaleY="1" />
I've got the Image, the Storyboards and the RenderTransform created in C# (I think), but I'm not sure how to add the storyboards as EventTriggers.
System.Windows.Controls.Image _Image = new System.Windows.Controls.Image();
_Image.Source = this.BitmapToBitmapImage(_Bitmap); // This bit is not really relevant for this question. It works fine though.
ScaleTransform _OriginalScale = new ScaleTransform();
_OriginalScale.ScaleX = 1;
_OriginalScale.ScaleY = 1;
_Image.RenderTransform = _OriginalScale;
Storyboard _ExpandStory = (Storyboard)Application.Current.FindResource("ExpandStoryboard");
Storyboard _ShrinkStory = (Storyboard)Application.Current.FindResource("ShrinkStoryboard");
_Image.Triggers.Add(WHAT GOES HERE);
You can just create 2 more EventTrigger
s and add to Triggers
var e1 = new EventTrigger(UIElement.MouseEnterEvent);
//add actions for e1
e1.Actions.Add(new BeginStoryboard{ Storyboard = _ExpandStory});
var e2 = new EventTrigger(UIElement.MouseLeaveEvent);
//add actions for e2
e2.Actions.Add(new BeginStoryboard { Storyboard = _ShrinkStory});
//add the 2 event triggers