$answra[$j] = '$qry['.$answers[$j].']';
eval("echo stripSlashes($answra[$j]); ");
I have tried different methods but I cant get eval() to bring out the output. I followed a related post and got this but it didnt just work.
$str = "echo (stripSlashes($answra[$j])) ;" ;
eval("?> $str <?php ");
Any simpler alternative?
(I'm assuming you have your reasons to use eval, which is discouraged, anyways, let me give you my solution)
Okay lets we have this wrong example:
$string = "asdfg";
eval("echo stripSlashes($string); ");
this will not work because the used string in
eval("echo stripSlashes($string); ");
results in
echo stripSlashes(asdfg);
you can see asdfg
is not a real string anymore.
what you need to do is to escape the variable like this:
eval("echo stripSlashes(\$string); ");
so your interpreter will know not to take the variable into account.
this backslash should do the trick:
$answra[$j] = '$qry['.$answers[$j].']';
eval("echo stripSlashes(\$answra[$j]); ");