How could you go about trimming an n number of characters from the end of a string?
Strings of interest in column 2:
1 022102201212021
2 201212210221021
3 021201122012210
4 201212101120002
Trimmed strings with last 5 characters removed:
1 0221022012
2 2012122102
3 0212011220
4 2012121011
Would like to be able to trim any arbitrary number of characters off of the end of the string in column 2. Thanks.
If the column to trim is the last column:
awk '{print substr($0, 0, length-5)}' < INPUT > OUTPUT
If there might be more columns after the column to trim:
awk '{$2 = substr($2, 0, length($2)-5); print}' < INPUT > OUTPUT