I need to write a script to save a worksheet with to a predetermined location and the save name is filled from values within the worksheet. I can get it to save in the proper location, but the file name returns a combination of FATPMetiFolderPath and FATPMetiPath (\Volumes\MFS1\Groups\METI...\METIman\MMP0123 - FATP.xlsm). I can do this just fine with Windows Excel VBA, but I have never used a Mac before. I am programming on a PC, but it needs to be able to be saved properly if used on a Mac.
Sub saveFATPMMMac()
'Saves copy for access for everyone
Dim FATPMetiPath As String
Dim FATPMetiFolderPath As String
FATPMetiFolderPath = "\Volumes\MFS1\Groups\METI\Quality Control\Function and Acceptance Test Documents\METIman\"
'FATPMetiFolderPath = "C:\Users\gzapantis\Desktop\"
FATPMetiPath = FATPMetiFolderPath & _
Sheets("Failure Report").Range("FailReportSN").Text & " - FATP " & ".xlsm"
ThisWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=FATPMetiPath
End Sub
I have solved the problem. It saves it with the correct file name and in the correct location.
Sub saveFATPMMMac()
'Saves copy for access for everyone
Dim FATPMetiPath As String
Dim FATPMetiFolderPath As String
If Application.PathSeparator = ":" Then
FATPMetiFolderPath = "Volumes:MFS1:Groups:METI:Quality Control:Function and Acceptance Test Documents:METIman:"
FATPMetiFolderPath = "F:\Groups\METI\Quality Control\Function and Acceptance Test Documents\METIman\"
End If
FATPMetiPath = FATPMetiFolderPath & _
Sheets("Failure Report").Range("FailReportSN").Text & " - FATP.xlsm"
ThisWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=FATPMetiPath
End Sub
Thank you for pointing me in the right direction.