EDIT: Thank you for the quick responses. I have a lot to learn about SaS obviously but everyone's responses were very helpful.
Beginner here, trying to write SAS code that can be easily ported across systems.
Goal: I want to have PROC SQL use a global variable for a multipart table identifier.
/* global variables*/
%LET lib_name="Merge_Contacts"
%LET table_name="Contacts"
/* Simple Query */
CREATE TABLE Merged_Contacts AS
SELECT a.*, b.*
/* Below is the problem area */
/* SAS doesn't recognize this as a valid lib/table name */
FROM &lib_name.&table_name
/*merge another table*/
I've tried to concatenate this identifier in several ways to no success. Any thoughts? Thanks!
/* global variables*/
%LET lib_name=Mrg_ctat; /* lib names 8 characters and you needed ; on
%LET table_name=Contacts; both %let statements Also, remove "" */
/* Simple Query */
CREATE TABLE Merged_Contacts AS
SELECT a.*, b.*
/* Below is the problem area */
/* SAS doesn't recognize this as a valid lib/table name */
/* use .. to tag end of first macro variable. This will provide
single . as separator */
FROM &lib_name..&table_name
/*merge another table*/