I have the following code:
while :: IO Bool -> IO () -> IO ()
while test body =
do b <- test
if b
then do {body ; while test body} -- same-line syntax for do
else return ()
I need to implement the factorial function using imperative-style programming. what I have to do is to create and initialize variables using newIORef
, modify their values using a while loop with readIORef
and writeIORef
, then have the IO
action return a pair consisting of the input n
and the final result.
This is what I have done so far:
fact :: Integer -> IO (Integer, Integer)
fact n = do r <- newIORef n --initialize variable
(do {v <- readIORef n; n})
(do {v <- readIORef r; writeIORef (...)) --modify the value (?)
readIORef r
This is my attempt to write the factorial function. This is obviously does not work. Any help would be appreciated.
I think maybe it's time to give you some working version:
fact :: Integer -> IO (Integer, Integer)
fact n = do
i <- newIORef 1
acc <- newIORef 1
while (lessOrEqualN i) (step i acc)
acc' <- readIORef acc
return $ (n, acc')
lessOrEqualN iRef = do
i' <- readIORef iRef
return $ i' <= n
step iRef accRef = do
i' <- readIORef iRef
acc' <- readIORef accRef
writeIORef accRef (acc' * i')
writeIORef iRef (i'+1)
as you can see I used an loop reference i
and an accumulator reference acc
always reading, writing the changing values.
To make this (hopefully) a bit more readable I extracted the test
and the body
of the while
into lessOrEqualN
and step
Of course there are easier ways to do this (modifyIORef
) but I guess you have to use those.
PS: you play with it a bit - maybe you want to handle negative values differently or whatever
this might be a bit cleaner (putting both mutables into the same ref):
fact :: Integer -> IO (Integer, Integer)
fact n = do
ref <- newIORef (1,1)
while (lessOrEqualN ref) (step ref)
(_,acc) <- readIORef ref
return $ (n, acc)
lessOrEqualN ref = do
(i,_) <- readIORef ref
return $ i <= n
step ref = do
(i,acc) <- readIORef ref
writeIORef ref (i+1, acc * i)