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Can I safely point to the data of a reassigned boost::optional?

Given the following code sample:

boost::optional< int > opt;
opt = 12;
int* p( &*opt );
opt = 24;
assert( p == &*opt );

Is there any guarantee that the assert will always be valid?


  • yes it's a guarantee. The T of a boost::optional<T> is a logically a private member of the optional.

    the code above is logically equivalent to:

    bool opt_constructed = false;
    int opt_i; // not constructed
    new int (&opt_i)(12); opt_constructed = true; // in-place constructed
    int*p = &opt_i;
    opt_i = 24;
    assert(p == &opt_i);
    // destuctor
    if (opt_constructed) {
      // call opt_i's destructor if it has one