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Turtle: Prompting for input, without a trailing newline

I'm writing a console application that needs to prompt the user for several things. I'm using the turtle library.

My function looks like this:

askInput :: IO (Maybe Text)
askInput = do
    echo "Input something: "
    s <- readline
    return s

But echo is implemented using putStrLn and as a result, will print its argument with a trailing newline.

Is there an input function in the turtle library similar to Python's raw_input, that combines prompting followed by reading the user input?


  • You can import from the text package and use many functions which aren't exported from turtle. In this case:

    {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
    import qualified Data.Text.IO as Text
    main = Text.putStr "Input something: " -- doesn't print newline