I am trying to parse an expression with (<, <=, >=, >). All but <= works just fine. Can someone help what could be the issue. Code:
object MyTestParser extends RegexParsers {
override def skipWhitespace = true
private val expression: Parser[String] = """[a-zA-Z0-9\.]+""".r
val operation: Parser[Try[Boolean]] =
expression ~ ("<" | "<=" | ">=" | ">") ~ expression ^^ {
case v1 ~ op ~ v2 => for {
a <- Try(v1.toDouble)
b <- Try(v2.toDouble)
} yield op match {
case "<" => a < b
case "<=" => a <= b
case ">" => a > b
case ">=" => a >= b
"MyTestParser" should {
"successfully parse <= condition" in {
val parser = MyTestParser.parseAll(MyTestParser.operation, "10 <= 20")
val result = parser match {
case MyTestParser.Success(s, _) => s.get
case MyTestParser.Failure(e, _) =>
println(s"Parsing failed with error: $e")
case MyTestParser.Error(e, _) =>
println(s"Parsing error: $e")
result === true
"successfully parse >= condition" in {
val result = MyTestParser.parseAll(MyTestParser.operation, "50 >= 20").get
result === scala.util.Success(true)
Error for <= condition:
Parsing failed with error: string matching regex `[a-zA-Z0-9\.]+' expected but `=' found
You need to change the order of the alternatives so that the longest options could be checked first.
expression ~ ( "<=" | ">=" | ">" | "<") ~ expression ^^ {
If the shortest alternative matches first, others are not considered at all.
Also note that a period does not have to be escaped inside a character class, this will do: