I'm using bootstrap-wysihtml5 editor. On my web its working good. But when I send data from it to php using jquery it send some extra data. For example:
When I send this:
product two
It send the followings:
My Bootstrap wysihtml5 configuration is here:
image: false
And my jquery ajax code is here:
url: "index.php",
type: 'POST',
dataType: 'html',
data: {
contentEdit: $('#form').serialize()
success: function(data) {
alert('something ...');
What is the procedure to avoid that?
actually the problem was that I have used multiple form in one page. Otherwise it works within a framework that means when we integrate the Bootstrap wysihtml5, it's embedded through an iframe. Ultimately I have solved the problem by using ckeditor. It is more flexible and easy to use. To easily use it you can follow its API documentation. Thanks to all.