I use Iron:Router and summernote but it seem not to work properly with each other. Start with:
<div id="summernote"></div>
is rendered by
Template.newPost.rendered = function(){
$('#summernote').summernote({height: 500});
Routers are defined
Router.route('/home', {name: 'home'});
Router.route('/new-post', {name: 'newPost'})
when I switch between 2 templates, this happen: https://i.sstatic.net/sLbCH.png
rendered-summernote keep duplicating between 2 templates How can this problem be solved? My Git repo GitHub
Thank you :)
Template.newPost.rendered = function(){
$('#summernote').summernote({height: 500});
'click #submit': function (event) {
//var title = $('#titleInput').val()
var content = $('#summernote').code()
var post = {
//title: title,
content: content
return false;
Template.newPost.onDestroyed(function() {
That's the new-post.js file, it works. What's happening is that on summernote init, the editor replaces the div with id summernote, so it's not really in this template anymore.