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android gradle shrinkresources no injars is generated in components.flags file

I added the shrink options to my gradle, while the following error always happens:

:app:shrinkDefaultConfigDebugMultiDexComponents FAILED
Error:Execution failed for task    
:app:shrinkDefaultConfigDebugMultiDexComponents'. The output jar [[mypath]/componentClasses.jar] must be specified after an input jar, or it will be empty.

Here is my gradle config:

        project.archivesBaseName = "zcctest131"
        signingConfig signingConfigs.myConfig

        minifyEnabled true
        shrinkResources true

and I also enabled the multidex options as :

 multiDexEnabled = true

compile ''

By checking the generated component.flags file, whose path is app/build/intermediates/multi-dex/defaultConfig/debug/components.jar, I found the first line become :

outjars /Users/zcc/app/build/intermediates/multi-dex/defaultConfig/debug/componentClasses.jar

The :

injars /Users/zcc/app/build/intermediates/multi-dex/anZhi/release/allclasses.jar

is missing which causes the IOException.

The proguard source code is as follows for your reference:

 * Reads the input jars (or directories).
private void readInput() throws IOException
    if (configuration.verbose)
        System.out.println("Reading jars...");

    // Check if we have at least some program jars.
    if (configuration.programJars == null)
        throw new IOException("The input is empty. You have to specify one or more '-injars' options.");

    // Read the input program jars.
    readInput("Reading program ",


How can I fix this? Thanks a lot.


  • Well, the correct way is to add the proguard rule file in the build type, rather than in the Flavors block. Then the problem solved.