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Accessing JSP page from a folder inside webpages

I have a couple of webpage inside a folder within webpages, i tried RequestDispatcher but the page is not rendering

I have a folder named "admin" inside webpages in java web application

I have 2 jsp inside admin, page1 and page2.

When use clicks submit button in page1, it goes to servlet and from servlet to page2

But this is not happening...

folder inside webpages - admin


<form action="pagecheck">
        <input type="submit" value="page" name="page">
</form> (Servlet)

          RequestDispatcher rd=request.getRequestDispatcher("/web/admin/page2.jsp");
          rd.forward(request, response);

page2. jsp

<h1> Success </h1>

When i run this and click submit in page1, the next thing i see is HTTP Status 404: Not found


  • I feel this 404 is coming for your servlet.Since it is trying to find servlet in admin folder.You need to fix that first.If you are using annotations,then you can change


    Then you will need to modify your servlet code also like this

                  RequestDispatcher rd=request.getRequestDispatcher("page2.jsp");
                  rd.forward(request, response);

    This should work.