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Working with SSE (Server-Sent Events) in a corporate environment

Is it possible to offer SSE (Server-Sent Events) on port 80, the same port that users use to access a web application?

Opening non standard ports in Corporate environments is HELL.

How do we offer a web application on port 80, and also stream Server-Sent Events to the same port?

My current solution is an in-house web application that uses Server-Sent Events on port 9000 to push dashboard updates.

Edit: More Details

In my solution the real-time data is not being severed from IIS.

I have a console app that receives and processes external real-time events then pushes those to a url on port 9000. The console Application uses a httpListener to server the server-sent events.

The IIS application points to the event-source from that console app to display live statistics to the web applications users.

This requires IT Security to allow traffic on the non-standard port 9000 for the set of users who need to access the web application.

Please what alternatives would you suggest?


  • Absolutely. Server-sent Events are just standard HTTP, so you'll be on port 80 by default.

    What makes you think that you need to serve them on a nonstandard port?