Given an HList of Label[A](String)
I want to map it into an HList of LabelWithValue[A](Label[A], A)
, where the actual values come from a Map[String, Any]
. In the example below I just defined the map of values in the method, just imagine the values come from a database.
The below works, but it is very veeery hacky because it uses a global var. Instead I'd like to pass the Map[String, Any]
into GetLabelWithValue
. I didn't find a way though, because the caller of getValues
implicitly creates a Mapper, and at that point the map of values doesn't exist yet. I tried to create a Mapper myself, but my type level programming skills aren't yet good enough.
import shapeless._
import shapeless.poly._
import shapeless.ops.hlist._
object Main extends App {
case class Label[A](name: String)
case class LabelWithValue[A](label: Label[A], value: A)
// TODO: avoid the horrible global state - pass in the Map as a parameter
var horribleGlobalState: Map[String, Any] = _
object GetLabelWithValue extends (Label ~> LabelWithValue) {
def apply[A](label: Label[A]) =
LabelWithValue(label, horribleGlobalState.get([A])
val label1 = Label[Int]("a")
val label2 = Label[String]("b")
val labels = label1 :: label2 :: HNil
val labelsWithValues: LabelWithValue[Int] :: LabelWithValue[String] :: HNil = getValues(labels)
def getValues[L <: HList, M <: HList](labels: L)(
implicit mapper: Mapper.Aux[GetLabelWithValue.type, L, M]) = {
horribleGlobalState = Map("a" -> 5, "b" -> "five")
labels map GetLabelWithValue
Here is an alternative implementation of GetLabelWithValue, which behaves the same way:
object GetLabelWithValue extends Poly1 {
implicit def caseLabel[A] = at[Label[A]] { label ⇒
LabelWithValue(label, horribleGlobalState.get([A])
I am by no means shapeless guru but here's first thing that comes to my mind:
object Main extends App {
case class Label[A](name: String)
case class LabelWithValue[A](label: Label[A], value: A)
object combine extends Poly2 {
implicit def workS[A <: HList, B] = at[Label[B], (Map[String, Any], A)] {
case (i, (map, res)) ⇒
(map, LabelWithValue(i, map.get([B]) :: res)
var state: Map[String, Any] = Map("a" -> 5, "b" -> "five")
val label1 = Label[Int]("a")
val label2 = Label[String]("b")
val labels = label1 :: label2 :: HNil
val mapped = labels.foldRight((state, HNil))(combine)._2
I'm not saying there's not better way, but this seems pretty reasonable - instead of global state you capture it using fold and decide based on it. Probably gives you a bit more power than you need though (as you could mutate the map inbetween folds, but...)