I have a website connected to an Oracle database. When I execute the following SQL I get a result returned:
select distinct name from CONTACTS
where upper(EMAIL) like upper(:info)
AND HASACCESS(NAME, :userid) = 'Y'
order by NAME desc
I have migrated the same code to a new server. When this code runs I now get the error:
ORA-00911: invalid character\n
I do not have a ;
on the end which most people get when they get this error.
Doing some trial and error it is crapping on the call to the Stored Producer / Function call. The database that both bits of code are referencing are the same.
It is not to do with the bind variables because if I hard code them then I still get the error.
I am really perplexed on this one.
I have found the issue. It can be seen here
select distinct name from CONTACTS
where upper(EMAIL) like upper(:info)
AND HASACCESS(NAME, :userid) = 'Y'
order by NAME desc
When the function is being called it is using the wrong bracket. It is using (
it should be (
PLSQL can run either bracket fine.
Changing the bracket the code now works.
Must be a difference in Oracle driver support. Or something else environmental. Hopefully this may help someone else one day...