I have configured Laravel 5 to use a custom logging configuration (default is way too simple). I've added monolog's IntrospectionProcessor to log the file name and line number of the log call.
The problem is that all lines get the same file and line number:
[2015-06-29 17:31:46] local.DEBUG (/home/vagrant/project/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Log/Writer.php#201): Loading view... [ - GET /loans/create]
Is there a way to config the IntrospectionProcessor to print the actual lines and not the facade ones?
If I do Log::getMonolog()->info('Hello');
it works and prints the correct file and line number... but I don't know how safe is to avoid calling the Writer.writeLog function because it fires a log event (is it safe to not fire that event?).
This is actually the expected functionality unless you're having the handler process the logs directly (check out the comments at the top of IntrospectionProcessor.php). My guess is you have a wrapper function around the logger and you're calling it from Writer.php -- BUT
If you look at the code for IntrospectionProcessor.php you'll see a bit of code on lines 81 to 87 that decides how to format that stack trace, and it still has access to the stack. If you bump the $i values for $trace[$i - 1] / $trace[$i] up one (aka $trace[$i]/$trace[$i + 1] respectively) you can 'climb' the stack back to where you want.
It's important to note that the 'class' and 'function' parts of the trace need to be one level of the stack higher than the 'file' and 'line.'
On a personal (plz dont mod me bruhs) note, I'd like to see functionality to include a stack offset when throwing the log in. I know what function I want to blame if an error shoots out when I write the error_log('ut oh') but I might(will) forget that by the time the 'ut oh' comes.