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How to get contents of invalid form model in AngularJS?

I have an AngularJS web app that has a form containing a textarea as follows:

<textarea required ng-maxlength="1000" ng-model="foo"></textarea>

The validation logic simply says that the user must enter a value up to a maximum of 1000 characters. Suppose further that I decide that I want the app to show the user how many characters remain before the limit is reached. No problem: I simply write this:

<div ng-if="foo.length <= 1000">
    {{ 1000 - foo.length }} characters remaining

The above works perfectly. Now, suppose that I want to display a message indicating that the user has typed too many characters, so I write the following:

<div ng-if="foo.length > 1000">
    {{ foo.length - 1000 }} characters too many

The above code does not work and it appears that such is the case because the input value is not accepted by Angular, so foo is left undefined, and I can't tell the user how many characters must be removed for the input to be valid.

Therefore, I would like to know if there is a way to get the value of an invalid input and tell the user a meaningful reason that it is invalid.


  • You can use the $viewValue of the NgModelController

    To access it, you would need to add a name to both the form and the input.

    <form name="someForm">
      <textarea required ng-maxlength="1000" ng-model="foo" name="lotsaText"></textarea>
      <div ng-if="someForm.lotsaText.$viewValue.length > 1000">
        {{ someForm.lotsaText.$viewValue.length - 1000 }} characters too many

    See the sample code snippet below to see how it works where I also incorporated kappaismyname's suggestions

      "use strict";
      var app = angular.module('fooApp', []);
      app.controller('MainCtrl', function($scope) {
        $scope.model = {foo:"Default text here"};
    })(); {
      border: 2px solid red;
    .validation-message {
      color: red;
    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <html ng-app="fooApp">
        <meta charset="utf-8" />
        <script src="" ></script>
      <body ng-controller="MainCtrl">
        <p> {{ | json}}</p>
        <form name="someForm">
          Enter text, but  not too much:<br>
          <textarea required ng-maxlength="25" ng-model="" name="lotsaText"></textarea>
          <div ng-if="someForm.lotsaText.$error.maxlength" class="validation-message">
            {{ someForm.lotsaText.$viewValue.length - 25 }} characters too many
          <div ng-if="someForm.lotsaText.$error.required" class="validation-message">
            A non-empty value is required