I'm trying to work out how to translate large blocks of html with angular-translate (which I'm using as a filter).
I've got language json files:
"PURPOSE": "Sie Damit Beabsichtigt",
"INTRO_VID": "Sehen Sie sich das Intro-Video",
"TOUR": "An der Tour teilnehmen",
"PURPOSE_COPY": "<p>Die Idee hinter [snip]</p><p>Currency: {{vm.testAmount}}</p><p>Date: {{vm.testDate}}</p>"
then in the html I take a language string and pass it to the translate filter with the data from the view model (translate:vm
) and finally to the htmlSafe filter, which allows it to be parsed into html:
<div data-ng-bind-html="'PURPOSE_COPY' | translate:vm | htmlSafe"></div>
The htmlSafe filter looks like:
angular.module('kitchenapp').filter("htmlSafe", ['$sce', function($sce) {
return function(htmlCode){
return $sce.trustAsHtml(htmlCode);
The html is injected into the page fine, but does not compile, even though I passed the view model to translate. :(
So, whatever you pass to translate:<expression>
is taken as the scope. If you want to pass your actual scope then pass translate:this
. Above I passed vm and then looked for vm.x: That equates to vm.vm.x, which obviously doesn't exist.