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Setting up a HUDL as a debugging device?

I'm using an ASUS X75VC laptop running Windows 8.1 and am trying to enable application debugging on my Tesco HUDL running Android 4.2.2. I have been trying and failing different techniques for the last few hours so decided I will post to see if anyone else can pinpoint the problem.

I've checked the following;

  • My Android project is set to use 4.2.2 as the API.
  • My HUDL has developer mode turned on and allows the use of non-market applications.
  • When plugged in my HUDL displays the messages;
    • "Connected as a media device".
    • "USB Debugging connected".

However, using the command "adb.exe devices" does not list my device, and attempting to run the project while manually selecting a device doesn't display my device in the list.

I have searched for drivers on ASUS website however am not completely sure what I'm looking for as the results I had been shown were all to do with graphics card updates and such, no USB.

If anyone can help me it will be much appreciated.

Many thanks.


    1. Go to Control Panel > Device Manager.

    2. Check that there is an exclamation mark next to Other Devices > ADB Interface, meaning that the driver is not installed.

    3. For the ADB Interface, select Update Driver > Browse my computer for driver software > Let me pick from a list of... > Have Disk... > Enter the path to your Android SDK USB driver folder (ie. C:\Program Files (x86)\Android\sdk\extras\google\usb_driver).

    4. Ignore the warning and complete the installation.