I have an issue with the Chrome developer tool.
My version is Version 46.0.2490.71 (64-bit)
According to online tutorials, I can go to Sources tab, right-click a script file and there will be Blackbox Script
option to choose.
However, I see no option in my chrome. How do I enable that option since I have no knowledge about regex?
Another problem: The scripts still got debugged even though I added them to blackbox list. Weird!!
One more thing i want to ask is how I blackbox an "unlimited" amount of VM files?
Add a pattern, for example:
It uses regex syntax in case you need something more specific.
The nice part about blackboxing library/framework scripts is that it makes it easier to see in stacktraces from where the error was triggered in your own sources.
As other pointed out, since this answer was posted you can directly blackbox a script with a right click on the source file in devtools. However head off to the blackboxing settings UI for more control.