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How to get Facebook id using socialite laravel-5 using Face Book token

I am new in Laravel 5 I am creating API for Android app using Laravel 5 the other developer sent Facebook token in post method so I have the Facebook token I need guidelines to using the token to get Facebook id any help will be appreciated (i don't using socialite) Anyway thanks in advance, guys.


  • I solved it any way

      $client = new \GuzzleHttp\Client();
            try {
                $res = $client->get(',picture&access_token=' . $facebook_token);
            } catch (RequestException $e) {
                $status = 'Login Invalid';
                return \Response::json(['status' => $status, 'user' => '']);
            $facebookUser = json_decode($res->getBody());
            $facebookId = $facebookUser->id;
            $facebookUsername = $facebookUser->name;
            $facebookUserPicture = $facebookUser->picture;
            $pictureURL = $facebookUserPicture->data->url;

    hope that help any one