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Changing filename in WSO2 ESB according to ws response

i have a response from a WS in WSO2 ESB and i write this xml file on a directory on my local machine. I'd like to change the name of the .xml file according to the content. Here is the code of the sequence used for writing file:

<sequence xmlns="" name="WriteFile">
<property name="transport.vfs.ReplyFileName" value="MyFile.xml" scope="transport"></property>
<property name="OUT_ONLY" value="true"></property>
     <address uri="vfs:file:///C:\MyFolder"></address>

Now i'd like to have MyFile_2.xml if I find "MyFile_2" in a particular tag of the WS response, or MyFile_3.xml if i find "MyFile_3" and so on. I think i must parameterfy my sequence, and particularly value="MyFile.xml" but i don't understand how to do.

EDIT: And what about a SOAP response? I have a SOAP answer like this:

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap..............>
  <QueryStructureResponse xmlns="..........>
        <RegistryInterface xmlns="ht............>
              <Name xml:lang="en">MY_FILENAME</Name>

I tried in a similar way, but something goes wrong when i want to call my file with MY_FILENAME inside. Previous REST response manipulation is ok, great answer Jean-Michel .


  • <property name="transport.vfs.ReplyFileName"
    expression="concat('MyFile_',$body/root/child/text(),'.xml')" scope="transport"/>

    where $body/root/child/text() is the XPath used to find your particular tag