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convert ATL::CComBSTR to BSTR*

I am very new with C++. I created my C# DLL. I created Managed C++ DLL and reference it in my C# project. I want to return from C# dll a string value in a char* Problem is, I can't convert CComBSTR to BSTR ?

UINT    CHandler::GetData( UINT idx, char* lName) 
    HRESULT hRes= m_p->GetData(idx, CComBSTR(lName));

Error:  Fehler by CComBSTR(lNmae):  977 IntelliSense: It is no possible conversion of ""ATL::CComBSTR"" in ""BSTR *"" available.

My C# function has second Parameter with type BSTR*


  • You need to do something like this...

    CHandler::GetData calling COM interface to fetch char* lName

    See how allocated memory is freed.

    UINT CHandler::GetData(UINT idx, char* lName) 
        BSTR bstrName;
        HRESULT hRes= m_p->GetData(&bstrName);
        char *p= _com_util::ConvertBSTRToString(bstrName);
        strcpy(lName,p);   //lName needs to be large enough to hold the string pointed to by p  
        delete[] p; //ConvertBSTRToString allocates a new string you will need to free
        //free the memory for the string

    COM interface method definition

    Language: C++, please translate it to C# Basically, you need to allocate BSTR inside c# method.

    See how memory is allocated and returned by COM method

    HRESULT CComClass::GetData(long idx, BSTR* pbstr)
          //Let's say that m_str is CString
          *pbstr = m_str.AllocSysString();
       catch (...)
          return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
       // The client is now responsible for freeing pbstr.