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SQL Concatenate strings across multiple columns with corresponding values

I'm looking for a way to achieve this in a SELECT statement.


Column1    Column2    Column3
A,B,C      1,2,3      x,y,z



The delimiters don't matter. I'm just trying to to get all the data in one single column. Ideally I am looking to do this in DB2. But I'd like to know if there's an easier way to get this done in Oracle. Thanks


  • You need to use:

    • SUBSTR
    • INSTR
    • || concatenation operator

    It would be easy if you break your output, and then understand how it works.

    SQL> WITH t AS
      2    ( SELECT 'A,B,C' Column1, '1,2,3' Column2, 'x,y,z' Column3 FROM dual
      3    )
      4  SELECT SUBSTR(column1, 1, instr(column1, ',', 1) -1)
      5    ||'|'
      6    || SUBSTR(column2, 1, instr(column2, ',', 1) -1)
      7    ||'|'
      8    || SUBSTR(column3, 1, instr(column1, ',', 1) -1)
      9    ||','
     10    || SUBSTR(column1, instr(column1, ',', 1, 2) +1 - instr(column1, ',', 1),
     11                       instr(column1, ',', 1) -1)
     12    ||'|'
     13    || SUBSTR(column2, instr(column2, ',', 1, 2) +1 - instr(column2, ',', 1),
     14                       instr(column2, ',', 1) -1)
     15    ||'|'
     16    || SUBSTR(column3, instr(column3, ',', 1, 2) +1 - instr(column3, ',', 1),
     17                      instr(column3, ',', 1) -1)
     18    ||','
     19    || SUBSTR(column1, instr(column1, ',', 1, 3) +1 - instr(column1, ',', 1),
     20                       instr(column1, ',', 2) -1)
     21    as "new_column"
     22  FROM t;

    On a side note, you should avoid storing delimited values in a single column. Consider normalizing the data.

    From Oracle 11g and above, you could create a VIRTUAL COLUMN using the above expression and use it instead of executing the SQL frequently.