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How to create instances and install packages on azure using ansible

We are trying to create and install packages on Azure using Ansible. We are able to create the instance using Ansible Azure module but we are stuck at installing the packages once the VM is created because we don't know what the IP address of the newly created VM is.

We want to complete this in single run. Is this possible?


  • I've not used the Azure module so could be wrong but you should be able to use register to store some data about the instances you've just created.

    You can then pass this data into a dynamically defined host group in a task by iterating through the output of the first task by using the add_host module.

    So your playbook may look something like:

    - hosts: local
      connection: local
        - name  : Create Windows instance
          azure :
            name: "ben-Winows-23"
            hostname: "win123"
            os_type: windows
            enable_winrm: yes
            subscription_id: "{{ azure_sub_id }}"
            management_cert_path: "{{ azure_cert_path }}"
            role_size: Small
            image: 'bd507d3a70934695bc2128e3e5a255ba__RightImage-Windows-2012-x64-v13.5'
            location: 'East Asia'
            password: "xxx"
            storage_account: benooytes
            user: admin
            wait: yes
            virtual_network_name: "{{ vnet_name }}"
          register : azure
        - name  : Debug Azure output
          debug :
            var : azure
    ### Assumes that the output from the previous task has an instances key which in turn has a public_ip key. This may need updating to give the proper path to a resolvable hostname or connectable IP. Use the output of the debug task to help with this. ###
        - name     : Add new instance to host group
          add_host :
            hostname  : {{ item.public_ip }}
            groupname : launched
          with_items : azure.instances
    ### Only target newly launched instances from previous play ###
    - hosts: launched
        - name        : Start foo service and make it auto start
          win_service :
            name       : foo
            start_mode : auto
            state      : started
        - name : Do some thing else